Economics 101

The best economic advice that you will ever receive - maybe.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Latest on the buy list for 07 and more

I have decided that it was finally time to post the buy list for 2007. There are some investments which you should buy at leas tin 2007 and hold it for a while. So I'll give you some long-term picks, and then I'll give you some short-term picks as well.

Buy List for 2007
MasterCard (MA) - Long term + at least $10 on short-term
Starbucks (SBUX) - Long-term investment + at least $4-5 profit on short-term
Boeing (BA) - long-term after a little drop
These guys should go up in the long-term. I see Boeing at least at $120 5 years from now.
NYSE Group (NYX) - Long/short-term
The New York Stock Exchange Group has taken a little dip lately, bu is still a good investment fot both the short and long-term. On the long-term, more money can be made, but the short-term works out.
BRVO - wait a little for these guys, maybe until they reach 15 cents to buy. If you look at their charts you'll see why
Microsoft (MSFT) - Probably a long-term investment
I don't think that much profit can be made in the short-term off of this stock, but that these guys could probably go to $40 in a matter of 5 years or less.
Time Warner (TWX) - short-term
By the end of 07 these guys should be done with their success. Time Warner will probably go past Cramer's price target of $26, and I think it may even reach $30
Apple Computer (AAPL) - short/long-term
We have heard this about this stock and it's company way too many times in the news this past year. It is such a fabulous company always with a product or two up it inventory just waiting to surprise the world, better yet it's competition, much like it's video iPod. These guys have taken a $10+ drop which is why I think now is the time to buy or don't buy at all.
Best Buy (BBY) - short-term
I think these guys could benefit you long-term, but the fast cash in these guys is in their short-term benefits. You hold these guys for one year, and depending on the (amount of) new video game consoles their is in the market, you sel before or after the holiday season.
Open Energy (OEGY) - Long term
These guys have dropped so low, that it is time to buy. You hold this company for 5 to 10 years and you have at least made 100-300% in gains.
Exxon Mobil (XOM) - short-term
The president recently said that we are going to rely more on ethanol and alternative fuels than gasoline which is why I am reccommending XOM as a short-term reccommendation. Do yourself a favor, and buy XOM. It will go way up.
Motorola (MOT) - short-term
Motorola is now at about $20 and will go back to $24 very soon, so it is a must-buy.
Sirius (SIRI) - short term
Sirius is down at $3.66, and I think it is the time buy.It will go up to at least $4.25 one more time, and that's the time you should cash out. Huge believers can cash out when it hits $4.45, but that's a risk becasue it may not even get there. Expert analysts are giving this a buy as well.
Net Bank (NTBK) - long/short term
I have just done some research on these guys and Net Bank looks like a short-term depending on what you think of a short-term buy, as far as time period goes. I think if you hold these guys for maybe one year, you will have highly benefited. I will continue doing research on this stock and will d my best to make some time to provide you as well as my other viwewers with more information and a price target on when to sell.
XM Satellite Radio (XMSR) - short/long term
At this point in time, I really don't knwo what is going to happen to XM, but it seems that however late it maybe, it isn't too late to buy this stock. These guys have some serious potential and I think that they might as well by Sirius which would probably benefit both sides unlike the Lucent buyout.
Whole Foods Market (WFMI) - long/short term
Whole Foods is expanding so rapidly you could just cash out of it quick or you can hold this stock for 10 years and make even better profits off of this stock. In 5 years, I see these guys having reached at least $100.
Cheesecake Factory (CAKE) - short-term
These guys have already made their expansion which is why I'm not reccommending as long-term. They're well priced at the moment. At about 23 times earnings they are pretty okay.
New World Restaraunt Group (NWRG) - short/long term
Short-term is preffereable but long-term should bring in some proft too. This company owns Noah's Bagels, which I think could expand.They also have their own small coffee chain and have other subsidaries. Check out their website,
Ebay (EBAY) - short/long-term
In this case, short term is a more profitable guarentee but in 2 years Ebay should have at least reached $45-50. They seem at a good price right now, $17 away from their 52 week high. I can't say that it is exactly well-priced, with its 41.45 P/E ratio.
During my freetime, I decided I also should make a list of who to watch as well. So here is my watchlist.
My/Your Watchlist
Jamba Inc. (JMBA)
These guys are probably at a goood price to buy at the moment. It is definetly a perfect time to buy, if you want to of course. I don't have as much faith in this stock as I do in most others on my buy list, which is why it isn't listed there. But this a go-ahead time to buy this stock.
Electronic Arts (ERTS)
I don't think that this stock will go any higher, even though it is still about $8 short of its 52 week high. Holiday season is simply over, and so is the magic for Electronic Arts. This company should plummet to at least $45. I don't know when I can call it a buying oppurtunity, but I'm sure there will be a point in 2007 when I reccommend this stock.
I don't know what went wrong with this company's stock. It's probably since there such an old company. I would reccommend it as long-term but this stock may take 10 years of holding and patience before you get a really really good gain, not just $5-10, which still isn't bad. I think there may also be a point next year where I reccommend this stock, especially before it has earnings, since it has outperformed analyst's earnings expectations for 7 consecutive earnings dates now, the equivalent to almost 2 years.
Blockbuster (BBI)
I would continue reccommending Blockbuster if it weren't for where it's been. It's already came from $3 and something to $5. I don't think it can go much higher, but I vow to do some more homework on it.
Research in Motion (RIMM)
I don't know whether to reccommend this stock or not because it just keeps going up and nears its 52 week high just when you think it's going to plummet.
Jones Soda (JSDA)
Cramer reccommeded these guys very recently but I don't think they're a buy. However, you have to watch it thorughout 2007.
Intel (INTC)
I don't know what to say aobut this company. All I know is that they are no longer an intriguing buy. (AMZN)
I don't know if Amazon is a buy or not but I'll do more research on it and determine whether it's a buy, sell, or hold, I just need some time.They have some room to go up, but I don't see anything that would give them a little boost.
Nokia (NOK)
I don't know how Nokia will perform, especially since it seems that Motorola is doing by far a better job as far as profitability an dintelligence goes. Motorola knows everything-their demographic and who to target, how to advertise, how to design their phones, and most important, how to destroy their competition which they did in 2006. Nokia will have to prove it can play Motorola's game in 2007.
Palm (PALM)
2007 ought to be an interesting year for tech. Everybody is going to have to restablish their brand except for the winners of 2006, like Apple and Motorola. Besides that, it's going to be a tough year for tech. Palm is a bit hard to predict because they are one of those companies that needs to restablish their brand, and Blackberry seems to be growing faster than Palm. Palm has so much room to go up, but then again they are not only not meeting expectations but lagging behind in the market that they once dominated.
Sony (SNE)
With their new release of the PS3 and with teh PSP in the market you'd think that they're stock should be in the buy list. You're wrong. The stock basically went up only $3. Since there was so much competition and the PS3 is a it pricy and there are dramatic shortages, the PS3 may not do so well. Many gamers are going to Nintendo's DS as their portable console choice. I think Sony won't really have to establish it's brand but has to somewhat show some more empathy for its company and price its products realistically.
I also have found two very new and interesting companies.
New World Brands (NWBD)
This company is a whole sale technology company and is at an extremelly good buying price.
These guys seem like they are very well indeed at a good buying price. Check them out and you'll see what I'm talking about.
World Hockey Association (WHKA)
This is also a stock at a great buying price. Just watch this company's one year chart and you'll know what I mean.
That is it for now, and I hope that you had a happy holiday season. For all the Laker fans out there, I can share my empathy with you in their loss to the Heat. And Heat fans, well, you beat us pretty well, our shots were just not going in and we got in foul trouble. Well, happy holidays and have a happy new year!!!

Monday, December 18, 2006

Long-term Update/Report+What 2 Watch 4

The time has come for a long-term stock update/report. A new stock has emerged from out of the blue. I have been watching these guys for a long time and I honestly think that American Science and Engineering Inc. is an awesome stock and now is the time to buy. Yahoo's Business Summary says the following:


"American Science and Engineering, Inc. engages in the development, manufacture, marketing, and sale of X-ray and other inspection solutions worldwide. It offers CargoSearch Inspection Systems, including high-energy and medium-energy nonintrusive inspection and screening devices that are used for the inspection of trucks, cars, cargo containers, pallets, and air cargo to combat trade fraud, drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, and terrorism at border crossings, seaports, military bases, railroad centers, airports, and cargo and transportation hubs. The company’s Z Backscatter technology detects plastic explosives, plastic weapons, illegal drugs, and other contraband; Shaped Energy X-ray technology provides the penetration capability of high energy X-rays for dense cargos, without the problems caused by excessive radiation; and Radioactive Threat Detection technology detects dirty bombs and nuclear devices simultaneous to the production of Z Backscatter and transmission images. It also provides ParcelSearch Inspection Systems, which are designed for the nonintrusive X-ray scanning of parcels, baggage, and mail. Its products also include SmartCheck, a personnel screening system for the screening contraband and threats hidden under a person’s clothing, such as guns and knives, plastic explosives, composite weapons, and drugs. The company offers its products to seaport and border authorities, military, airport, federal facility, and corporate security providers. The company was founded in 1958 and is headquartered in Billerica, Massachusetts."
Now that you have an idea of what they do, you also can see why they are such a great company.
I was looking at filings and one stood out. All the information is below:

Date:Dec 11
Company:Solarfun Power Holdings
Price:$11.50 - $13.50
More Info:Profile
If I haven't emphasized it enough, I really think that Blockbuster is another profitable buy. Look at their growth rates. The next long-term stock is Starbucks. I've already talked a lot about this stock which is why I command you to look at my previous blogs to see why I love it so much. Next pick is MasterCard. It has an unbelievable future which makes you buy it. This is one of the best growth stocks, or just plain stocks, you will ever have the oppurtunity to buy. Microsoft is another company that needs to be bought. Why? Isn't Apple a better company? Isn't Apple jsut crushing my Microsoft and its reputation as a brand? No and no. Microsoft has bounced back and responded to Apple's iPod with its Zune. Plus, Microsoft is no normal company. It has the budget to enter any of what I call sub-markets in the technology industry no matter how much it loses. With its new Vista operating system it should do better and retain its brand name. The NYSE Group has been a surprise lately but I feel it will it $150. There are many people you have to watch for this holiday season, including all the names in my last blg entry. But watch Saks Fifth Avenue. The experts are reccommending it highly and I think it might actually have a chance. However, I can't guarentee anything about this stock, especially since I haven't done my own homework on it.
Breaking News
By: ME
Under Armour has changed its symbol from UARM to UA
I think you should really watch Staples. These guys can't stay up forever. They should be dropping soon, and when they bottom I think you need to... heck I don't know where its even going to be at so I can't guarentee anything. I'd also like to see what happens to Vonage and Hansen Natural next year. There has not been much activity with Qualcomm, so I'd like to see what is going to happen to it in the near-future. In addition, I think that Gamestop, you know, the guys who own EB Games, will drop after reaching such heights.

What's up with the markets? Take a look at the auction stocks!

What is up with the markets lately? Well, that has been a tough question to answer. Usually the market tells us what to buy, but lately experts and analysts have been leaning toward different commodities and idustries and stocks. Peoples' reccomendations have been all over the place that people not only don't have time to listen to their thoughts, but the real obviouss reccommendations that will make them rich. I think that even a person with an intelligence quotient of 1 knows that you need to buy EBAY!!! Where are people going to buy their stocking stuffers from? EBAY. People are going to be shopping all day long from EBAY and yet, nobody has taken any notice of it. Even if you don't think EBAY will fair out well (which would make you sound crazy, but there are some people who don't think of EBAY rather highly) go buy some stock that is in the same business. would even do. Then, you should think about how these stocking-stuffers are deliverred. Does UPS ring a bell? There are so many packages that are deliverred every year that UPS should and is considerred a magnificent buy. This is how a smart trader buys his stocks. He thinks about one company and goes on making a chain of how this company is connected to that one. But let's start over. How are people going to pay for these gifts? MasterCard may be convenient. MasterCard is not only a great stock for the short-term, however, it has been dropping signalling a great time to buy, but also a buy for the long-term, the years to come. Now the real question is, what will people buy from EBAY? Electronics is too broad of a focus, but cellphones, portable music players, and video game systems are all perfect thoguhts. Now you may be tired of the whole EBAY reccommendation and are asking yourself "Why doesn't this guy reccommend stocks that most people don't know, the baby-boomers?" Actually, I have been eying one particular auction company, (the hyperlink will take you to its quote, the next hyperlink will take you to its website) . This is the perfect time to buy this stock, at a low. These guys will do well the whole year round. The heck with the holidays these guys are a great investment. They have so many auctions scheduled every day and are working with such great parteners including iCollector, a subsidary of EBAY. Just visit their website and you will suddenly see what I'm talking about is no fantasy. There are other baby-boomers wiorking in this industry, some very interesting, but among them I feel that Ableauctions will enale you to great profits and is such an organized company that it has a lot in store. If you feel that Ableauctions is just not the right company to invest in, I suggest you put your money in (this hyperlink takes you to the quote, the next hyperlink takes you to the website). I don't have as much faith in as I did in Ableauctions, but I do feel that they are an interesting baby-boomer. Plus, they can't possibly go much lower than where they are at the moment, and are a very independent company that should be successful in the near-future. However, the fact that it a bulliten board stock may haunt you a lot, which is why I chose probably the third-best auction company, right after EBAY and, as a reccommendation. Overstock is the second best reccommendation in this industry after EBAY. It is also a very good time to buy Overstock now, at least price-wise. Not many people are aware of Overstock's stock, it only has a market cap. of $311.17 million.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Give Jamba Juice some time!

Well, in its first three days of being public Jamba Inc., has not done so well. What I didn't know was this new JMBA stock is the same as Services Acquisition Corp.'s old stock, SVI, including the same price and all that other stuff, except JMBA is the merged stock. So I think you need to give Jamba Inc. some time to sort this out. Services Acquisition Corp. should provide us with an interesting acquistion or merger in the near-future, so I don't think you should give up on JMBA just yet. You may want to sell it when it reaches $13, $14, somewhere in between there. However, now is a good time to buy JMBA if you haven't already.

Bottom Line: Don't ,give up on JMBA, better yet, buy it now while it's cheap.


Friday, December 01, 2006

The Long-Term Report! MasterCard or Starbucks all the way!

I am bringing you the long-term report. I think you need to buy MasterCard or Starbucks and hold on to it, for a couple of years. I think that MasterCard has no choice but to double its stock price and reach $200 by the next year, and that Starbucks, who is opening nearly 6 stores every day and is thriving in China just needs to be bought. I have talked a lot about Starbucks already which is why I will focus on MasterCard. Yes, MasterCard is a bit expensive right now, but thats only because you didn't buy it at its IPO (initial public offering) price of $40. Yes, MasterCard was at $40, and I think you should have bought it then, but I take full-credit for that mistake, because I didn't make a post telling you to buy it when it came out at $40. Really, the only two "competitive," of what I call credit-card stocks, is MasterCard and American Express. Think about how many more customers MasterCard has. You also have too look at the current growth and the future growth of the companies. MasterCard has a quartly revenue growth of 13.90%, while American Express only has a quartly revenue growth of 11.60%. Let's talk about Starbucks a little bit. The only other public coffee company besides Starbucks is Diedrich. But look at the difference in market capitol. The lowly Diedrich has a market cap. of $17.95 million, but Starbucks has a maket cap. of 26.61B. Well, actually there is one other public cofee company, New World Restaurant Group (NWRG), but it is a bulletin-board stock, and those stocks will never take you anywhere.Let's take a look at the growth estimates for Starbucks. Let alone, next year it will grow 21.3%. And in the next 5 years, Starbucks is set to grow 22%. So Starbucks has a great chance coming up in the near-future, so you need to buy it.

The Bottom Line: You need to invest in MasterCard or Starbucks and make it long-term!
